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IOAI® Certifications

AI Professional

IOAI Certified Foundation in Artificial intelligence


Learn about modern AI applications and build simple AI models with online tools.

The IOAI-CFAI certification is an international that includes the fundamentals of artificial intelligence in a hands-on manner.

This certification is designed for professionals and students who want to learn about AI technology and build simple AI models with online tools. It provides essential knowledge on the most important topics in artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision.

5 hours

4 videos

5 quizzes

IOAI Certified Associate in Artificial intelligence


Learn the proper concepts and knowledge for creating and deploying AI models in Python.

This course will introduce you to the key concepts of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. You will learn how to create, train, and deploy your own machine-learning models using Python. You will also learn how to use popular libraries for data science such as NumPy, and Scikit-Learn.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

-Understand key concepts of artificial intelligence

-Create an AI model from scratch

-Train your model

-Deploy your model

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that involves studying algorithms and related methods, such as statistical inference, that give computers the ability to "learn" without being explicitly programmed.

140 hours

0 videos

9 quizzes

IOAI Certified Professional in Artificial intelligence


Learn advanced concepts for creating better AI models in Python.

This certification will provide you with the knowledge and skills to design, implement and execute advanced concepts for creating better AI models in Python. The course will expose you to a variety of different machine learning algorithms and techniques that are used for designing intelligent systems.

As artificial intelligence is growing at an exponential rate, it is important that both professionals and students gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals of AI.

110 hours

0 videos

4 quizzes

IOAI Certified Expert in Artificial intelligence


Get a deep understanding of the concepts of AI and their industry.

There are many courses that claim to understand Artificial Intelligence. But IOAI has been in the industry for a long time and has a proven track record of delivering quality content and training on AI.

IOAI Certified Expert in Artificial intelligence (IOAI-CEAI) is an advanced certification that will prove your deep understanding of Artificial intelligence.

110 hours

0 videos

4 quizzes

Certifications for your stage of career in AI.

IOAI® Certifications

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