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IOAI® Certifications

AI Executive and Consultant

IOAI Certified

Specialist in Artificial Intelligence Consultant


Consultation Certification in Artificial Intelligence imparts high-level knowledge of AI, design, and planning, the essentials for strategic usage.

IOAI-CSAIC certification is the first certification in the world for AI Consultants. It is an international standard that certifies an individual’s expertise and knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. IOAI-CSAIC certification is a rigorous process that requires candidates to have a minimum of four years of experience in AI, three years of experience as a consultant, and two years of experience as an expert.

The IOAI-CSAIC examination will be administered at over 20 locations worldwide and will consist of two parts:

1) A written examination with 60 multiple-choice questions

2) An oral examination conducted by an IOAI panel consisting of experts in Artificial Intelligence

IOAI Certified

Specialist in Artificial Intelligence Executive


Senior Executives Certification in Artificial Intelligence imparts high-level knowledge of AI, challenges, and limitations, the essentials for strategic decision-making.

The IOAI-CSAIE certification is a certification that is targeted at senior executives and CEOs who are looking to get in-depth knowledge of AI. The certification will help them to make informed decisions about the use of AI in their organizations.

The course is a mix of theoretical lectures, case studies, and hands-on sessions. It also includes an online assessment and a final exam. The IOAI Certification Committee will conduct the IOAI-CSAIE examination on the behalf of IOAI Global Association.

Pre-entry education

- Aged 16 or above;

- Have a good character; and

- Attained a qualification of at least higher diploma/associate degree at Qualifications Framework ("QF") Level 4 or above (or equivalent) from an institution recognized by the Institute for entry into the Associate Level.

Module exemption at the Associate Level can be awarded on the basis of the curriculum of the academic program (s) completed. The maximum number of module exemptions awarded will depend on the category of the academic program. For degree holders, a maximum of 10 modules at the Associate Level (Modules 1 - 10) can be exempted while for sub-degree holders, a maximum of 5 modules (Modules 1 - 5) can be exempted. Module exemption can also be obtained through the study of programs accredited by the Institute.

Certifications for your stage of career in AI.

IOAI® Certifications

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